Performers Reporting Testing Discrepancy

PASS is hearing reports of performers receiving conflicting tests for chlamydia from labs outside of the PASS system. We are working to determine if the incongruent tests being reported are, in fact, false negatives or false positives, and what the underlying reasons for the discrepancy is. 

We have spoken to both Talent Testing and Cutting Edge Testing and asked them to provide PASS and the industry at large with more information. As neither lab participates in PASS, we do not have access to any data that would allow us to assess this directly. At current, we know neither the cause nor extent of the discrepancy.

If we are to protect the performer pool, PASS needs open and transparent communication with any lab testing the performer population, whether or not they choose to participate in PASS. While PASS can not require non-PASS labs to communicate with us or the industry more broadly, PASS will continue to fight for information, and to communicate what we learn directly with performers.


PASS Standard Panel to Include Oral & Rectal Swabs January 1


PASS Swabbing FAQ