PASS Fundraising Social Media Toolkit
Share why you support PASS
Please use the following tools to help guide your social media activity for your PASS fundraising efforts. Make sure to personalize and share your own stories, photos and experiences as much as possible.
Sample Post Copy
For Allies + Co-Conspirators
It's time to transform the adult industry's access to health & safety! We are fundraising to create a more affordable & accessible testing option that allows adult entertainers to reinvest back into their community every time they test for work!
For Fans
If you care about adult entertainment, invest in the health and safety of the people who make it! Help @PASScertified create resources that serve & uplift a population of historically forgotten workers, so you can keep enjoying the content you love.
For Adult Industry Workers
It's time to transform the adult industry's access to health & safety! We are fundraising to create a more affordable & accessible testing option that allows adult entertainers, like us, to reinvest back into our community every time we test for work!
Twitter Posts
On desktop, right click "save image as" or on mobile, press & hold until a prompt pops up and save image on your camera roll.
Facebook & Instagram Posts
On desktop, right click "save image as" or on mobile, press & hold until a prompt pops up and save image on your camera roll.
Instagram Stories
On desktop, right click "save image as" or on mobile, press & hold until a prompt pops up and save image on your camera roll.