PASS Certified STI testing panels include a Syphilis test in order to ensure the health and safety of performers. To learn more, refer to the information below.
What is Syphilis?
Syphilis is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection that can affect the vagina, penis, rectum and/or mouth. It has different signs, symptoms and treatments depending on which stage of infection it is at (primary, secondary, latent and tertiary.)
Depending on the stage of infection, symptoms can vary. In the primary stage, sores occur at the primary site of infection and can be painless. In the secondary stage, syphilis can manifest as a skin rash, fever, and/or swelling of the lymph nodes. In the latent stage, there are no symptoms at all. In the final tertiary stage, syphilis is associated with multiple severe medical problems and can be diagnosed through an array of tests. Syphilis can affect the brain, heart and other organs at this stage.
What are the risks associated with Syphilis?
~25,000 new cases were diagnosed in the US in 2016, albeit after years of decline, in recent years there has been a significant uptick in new cases.
Syphilis is transmitted via barrierless contact with a syphilis sore by engaging in oral, anal or vaginal sex. Sores can generally be found on the penis, inside the vagina, lips, mouth, rectum and/or anus. Sores sometimes cannot be immediately visible as they can be under the foreskin of the penis, inside the vagina, rectum and/or mouth. Syphilis can also be transmitted during birth.
If another person has syphilis, the infection can be transmitted through barrierless contact with another person’s genitals via oral sex, anal or vaginal sex.
The T. Pallidum bacteria that causes syphilis cannot last outside of the body for more than an hour or two at most.
How can transmission of Syphilis be prevented?
Infection can be prevented through regular testing as well as the use of barriers. A person can only contract Syphilis through contact with the bodily fluids of another person with an active infection. Make sure to always check your partners availability in the PASS system to reduce the risk of being exposed to Syphilis and other STIs.
Condoms and other barriers including dental dams can reduce the risk of exposure only in the area that they cover.
What treatments are available for those who have contracted Syphilis?
Syphilis is curable with antibiotics available through an injection or prescription from your medical provider. However, treatment might not undo any damage that the infection has already done if left untreated for too long, which is why regular testing is strongly recommended
There are no vaccines for Syphilis available.
More resources:
The CDC has information related to Syphilis, prevention methods, and access to treatment.
Planned Parenthood can direct you to information surrounding Syphilis prevention.
Full panel STI testing and treatment is available at the Los Angeles LGBT Center. Regardless of your ability to pay, the Los Angeles LGBT Center provides a sex-positive, sex worker safe clinic.